RealMattLucas: I can’t decide whether to watch Eurovision or hack off my foot.
wesstreeting: Seeing who is tweeting about #eurovision. And judging them.
OwenJones84@wesstreeting #gaysagainsteurovision
OwenJones84: Tough on Eurovision. Tough on the causes of Eurovision
HarryLangford: Eurovision is the first convincing argument that I have heard for leaving the EU. #Eurovision
diamondgeezer: The scariest outcome of Scottish independence would be three minutes of Susan Boyle
FreeSouthLondon: Entering #Eurovision is just one of many perks an independent South London would enjoy, but I’m more interested in our own nuclear deterrent
What About My Dreams / Kati Wolf

lowellkm: What about dancing? #bbceurovision
MatthewWells: Oooh. That’s an impressive ring. #hungary #eurovision
travelling_wolf: Skinniest girl in Hungary. #eurovision
Lipstick / Jedward

maggiephilbin: Oh No still in pub - Jedward on screen but no sound WHAT AM I MISSING #eurovison
jackwallington: I never thought I’d say it, but Jedward just totally aced #Eurovision
benlocker: Eurovision. Wouldn’t work on radio.
Popular / Eric Saade

ajscroxton: I’ll take all four. Thanks. #eurovision
MatthewWells: I'm calling it for Sweden #eurovision #winner
Watch My Dance / Loucas Yiorkas feat. Stereo Mike

MacPsych: Can we give Greece a musical bailout? #ESC2011
Get You / Alexej Vorobjov

Scaraboo: A jaunty song about stalking #Eurovision
jonathancobb: dubious sexual predator pop from Russia #eurovision
nok32uk: It was going to be called ‘Ooh Get You’ but that was considered too camp #bbceurovision #esc2011
Sognu / Amaury Vassili

technicalfault: “Comb” is now trending on Twitter in Europe #Eurovision
rjakesuk: Mr France has far far far too much hair #Eurovision
Markgatiss: Half-way through turning into a werewolf?
EvilGayTwin: France: boring but kinda hot. Are hot Men a requirement for Eurovision? #Eurovision
Madness of Love / Raffaele Gualazzi

EvilGayTwin: Italy was different. I take back my comment about hot men. #Eurovision
jamesmoran RT @jamesjammcmahon: Wogan, if you’re reading this, now is the time to buy a bottle of gin and set up a twitter account #eurovision
United Kingdom
I Can / Blue

jamesup: I can! I will!
idiaz: I can.. I will ... mute this song. #esc
JWhatX: I hope they don’t piss this song against the wall #eurovision
ajmy: What is with the Grindr pics in the background? #esc
MatthewWells: Glad to see Blue playing to their strengths #pecs
Soeno: Europe has vote for Blue solely on Simon Webb’s muscles alone. Hot hot hot. #eurovision
DavidAllenGreen: Bless, they’ve even got little blue suits on so we can remember their name. #eurovision
HilaryAlexander: Loving Blue’s tough tux look at Eurovision
DrSamuelJohnson: Oikish Mummers BLUE do perform dress’d for NAPOLEONS’s Retreat from Moscow #eurovision
travelling_wolf: Blue can’t. #eurovision
So Lucky / Zdob și Zdub

pauljchambers: Speechless #eurovision #Moldova
robin_intheuk: OMG!! Beastie boys with bizarre pointy hats #eurovision *sniffs wine for possible sabotage*
SplashMan: Madonnas Bra #Eurovision
thisisdavid: There are NOT enough unicycles in #Eurovision #Moldova
interactivemark: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT VOTE FOR MOLDOVIA?!?! Fetch me my phone boy... #eurovision

Taken By A Stranger / Lena

travelling_wolf: The feeds to Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain replace this song with a video of Angela Merkel talking about bail outs... #eurovision
Charles_HRH Calm down Harry. That isn’t Pippa. #eurovision
Ewan RT @willhowells: Seriously, Lena, don’t do a song about it, REPORT IT TO THE POLICE. #eurovision
stebax: Tainted Love without the good bits.
DavidAllenGreen: Damn, she has trousers on this year. #Germany #eurovision
thisisdavid: The dancing sperms are fun. #Germany #Eurovision
JGONeill: Oh, that Teutonic humour! *slaps lederhosen*
Change / Hotel FM

DavidAllenGreen: This country used to produce vampires. Now crooners. Progress? Hmmm. #Romania #eurovision
NickiePhilbin: #tgesc #eurovision Is this the right time to announce I once slept with a Eurovision entry that came last - in every respect :(
The Secret Is Love / Nadine Beiler

PaulBurston: She makes Leonna look edgy
timlusher: My boyfriend’s verdict on Austria: “witness protection hair”
travelling_wolf: After the original Austrian act was in a tragic sausage accent it is lucky that the hotel receptionist was up for it. #eurovision
acediscovery: I live in an austrian household. We’re block voting for austria #tgesc
Running Scared / Ell/Nikki

edballsmp: The set for Azerbaijan has echoes of ELO ‘Out of the Blue’ live show ...
PaulBurston: I’m reminded of Lulu and Jason Orange
travelling_wolf: We should remember when watching this that there is nowhere in Azerbaijan to record music then hear it back. #eurovision
MatthewWells: The Azerbajani boy needs to ditch the tranny in the wedding dress
thisisdavid: google maps has gone down due to people finding #Azerbaijan #Eurovision
mrchrisaddison: This is like an ad for the First Class Lounge on Virgin Atlantic. #Eurovision
orbyn: The lady from Azerbaijan could be a relatively successful Shakira lookalike #eurovision
No One / Maja Keuc

PRDH: Fuck me! It’s Xena, Warrior Princess!!
JWhatX: I’m running out of adjectives ; is Slovenia good? #eurovision
BevaniteEllie Destabilising... ! RT @IainDale: @edballsmp OMG. You’re scoring it too? I thought I was alone #moreincommonwithedballsthanithought
Queen_UK Edward is beside himself. He has that very outfit. #eurovision
Leanne_Cee #Eurovision Sorry Slovenia, but I just don’t think leather thigh boots are practical in this heat
thoroughlygood: I wouldn’t mind trying on SLOVENIA’s singer’s bodice for myself. You know. For research purposes. #eurovision
TheBuddhaSmiled: Steel reinforcements needed to hold up those Slovenian tits. #Eurovision
LeeBinding: The Aguilera cloning program is a SUCESS! #Eurovision
Ewan: Slovenia. Let’s just say only 17 women on the planet can wear boots like this. Brassy Shirly Bassy esque Maja Keuc is 1 of them, #eurovision
Coming Home / Sjonni's Friends

CllrTim: To think they used to arrive in longboats wielding axes, raping, pillaging.. Not sure if this may be worse.. #Eurovision #Iceland
ajscroxton: Too much comedy brass in Iceland #eurovision
JGONeill: hot gay action from the mumford and sons of reykjavik
Angel / Mika Newton

knitboy: My shoulders feel so bare after watching Ukraine - needs me some feathers #bbceurovision
jamesmoran: RT @jodiekearns: Sand painting is no unicycle. #eurovision
scottm: Get out of the way, dear, and let us see the artwork #Eurovision
maggiephilbin: RT @nickjbarlow If aliens landed in the middle of #Eurovision, would we notice? << only if they sang in tune
adventuresofboz: She is basically warbling in front of a screensaver, isn't she. #eurovision
Čaroban / Nina

maleo: 60s-FABULOUS! They’ve been holding onto those dresses since we sent them over in ‘78 though...
edballsmp: Well well @iaindale - Serbia in a late dash for the line - good #Eurovision song
BevaniteEllie: Just laughed out loud! RT @tom_watson: I’ve temporarily unfollowed @edballsmp #Eurovision
MmeGuillotine: Did they even have the 60s in Serbia? #eurovision

photo by hedgiecc
DavidAllenGreen: At the very doors of Hell, Beelzebub will undoubtedly say “let’s remind ourselves of the #Eurovision entries again”.
LeeBinding I’m horrified to look at my scoresheet and see #Jedward is my favourite. My world is falling off its axis.
owenblacker: Hey, finance guy at RTÉ. You hear that cheer for #Jedward in the auditorium there? Hahahahahahahahaha #esc2011
tomroyal: Hurrah! Am reliably informed that the one-wheeled drug gnomes were the best. Whoever the hell they were.
indiaknight: Lordy. #Moldova
orbyn: I’m going to vote. I’m going to fucking vote. I can vote, I’m an adult, I’ve had vodka. It’s fine #eurovision
jonwillchambers: Not a clue who’s going to win. Amazing voting coming up #eurovision
MacPsych: Denmark on top. Ph’narr... #ESC2011
LeeBinding: Come on Blue! Well, Duncan definitely. #Eurovision
Queen_UK: 2 points from Iceland. One is not knocking that off your bill. Get fishing. #eurovision
scottm: So Blue are currently 5th, which is where Jade Ewen finished. Expect Duncan to join the Sugababes any day now #eurovision
JGONeill@stevyncolgan yes olympics + diamond jubilee + eurovision = George Osborne found hanged in No 11
Syniq: THEY’RE BANKRUPT! THEY CAN’T AFFORD IT!!!! #eurovision #Jedward
AngryBritain: I can’t, I won’t, you know, we’ll lose #bbceurovision
travelling_wolf: Let’s hope four points from Greece is enough for Ms Merkel. #eurovision
Simmsey: The French. 1 point. Close the tunnel
ajscroxton: Don’t look so happy, Bosnia. Serbia’s only giving you 12 points because they want you back. #eurovision
bbceurovision: Ireland only gave Denmark 12 points because they have the same hair as Jedward...
Queen_UK: Your interest rate has just gone up by 200% Ireland. And one’s coming over next week to collect. #eurovision
travelling_wolf: At the end of this Jedward won’t be allowed to leave Germany for ‘financial reasons’ #eurovision
ajscroxton: I want Italy to get this so bad. Berlusconi to do the halftime show next year! #eurovision
The Winner - Azerbaijan
Running Scared / Ell/Nikki
squawkbox: I’m very pleased for Azerbaijan. They have tried so hard since entering a few years ago. #eurovision
manx_maid So next year Europe will extend to a mere 1000 miles or so from the Chinese border !! #eurovision
acediscovery: The only thing I liked about the azerbaijan song was that the video had cable cars in it #tgesc
owenblacker: Sweet Jesus, put the big glass trophy down, pretty Azeri boy! #esc2011
jackyrabbit: Ok actually seeing them fight for that trophy while singing made it all better #eurovision

ajscroxton Time to continue my annual tradition of listening to Katrina and the Waves at this point #eurovision
FAULTYCAPSLOCK: The Reptiles fixed Eurovision.
All photos © Pieter Van den Berghe (EBU) except where otherwise stated.
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