Yes, I’m still shaking my head in wonderment at the developments here in the UK. I really love how our Government changes instantly - literally, the old PM leaves Downing Street just before the new one arrives - leaving very little time to pack! Great theatre.
It’s no secret that the new Government is not entirely to my liking but Cameron’s initial moves are certainly interesting - almost as if he’s been a closet Lib Dem all this time - and no doubt we are in for some interesting times ahead. As the world is still reeling in the developing financial crisis I hope the new government can hold it all together. Today’s news is that Angela Merkel has gone rogue in Europe; thank goodness at least Brown kept us out of the Euro! Otherwise that would have been another fine mess that Tony got us into.
Here are my collection of new government tweets, from last week:
Jason_Cobb This is without a doubt, the worst evening of my life #ukelection #nffc
Jason_Cobb #blamedavecameron #blamenickclegg #blamethatcher #nffc
diamondgeezer "The Official flickr channel for the Prime Minister has moved" - old ; new
EvilGayTwin just got back from swimming to find David Cameron is our new Prime Minister. I should of just drowned myself whilst I had the chance!
BishopWeston@SarahBrown10 Thank you - So Rupert Murdoch won the election after all? Really is #nickcleggsfault now - he's so gonna be Haggis in a tin
LeeBinding Anyone else see the Ood singing behind Brown?
campbellclaret New slogan for Lib-dem supporters "I DISAGREE WITH NICK" !!
krishgm "the press looked from Tory to Lib Dem and from Lib Dem to Tory......but already it was impossible to say which was which"
campbellclaret what a week - trending on twitter re Boulton explosion, most popular twitterer in UK - oui, moi - and new Eton-Westminster-St Pauls govt
beano_monty @campbellclaret Will John Prescott be interviewed by Sky? I need something to look forward to.
LukePollard Has Nick Clegg gone from kingmaker to tea maker? - love that question #bbcqt
indiaknight David Cameron says "big" too much. Should vary, eg "humongous," "jumbo," "mahoosive".
It’s fascinating how dated some of these tweets are already. David Cameron is making it clear he’s not going to take any nonsense from his right-wing MPs. Will he also stand up to Rupert Murdoch? Time will tell.
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