I did this at the end of 2006 so it’s good to continue for 2007:
What was you favourite movie in 2007?I was going to say
Pan’s Labyrinth, but checking back I nominated this for 2006 so I’m going to go with
What was your favourite book in 2007?2007 was not a reading year for me. My book of the year is Patrick O’Brian’s
The Nutmeg of Consolation (1991). I’m a fan of his Aubrey and Maturin books and this is the 14th in the series.
What was your favourite song in 2007?Anything from
Arcade Fire’s first two albums,
Funeral and
Neon Bible will do. However, for the sake of variety and in admiration of their wit I’ll nominate
LCD Soundsystem’s North American Scum.
What was your favourite album in 2007?Arcade Fire’s Neon Bible, no question.
Are you richer or poorer?A fascinating question, depends on how you look at it.
In 2006 I was unemployed but my flat was rocketing in value – it went up almost 53% in just over a year, so far more than my annual salary would have been.
In 2007 I started a new job, which pays a salary that allows me to service the enormous amounts of debt racked up while unemployed. However, my flat’s value is now in freefall. So who’s to say if I’m richer or poorer?
I suppose the bailiffs aren’t exactly beating my door down yet, so I’m ok.
Thinner or fatter?Again, rather debatable. I reckon I’m fatter and could choose to tone up and lose some excess belly.
What kept you sane in 2007?Employment is really good for mental health, strangely! – plus my blog keeps me happy ☺
Which personal accomplishment in 2007 are you most pleased with?Becoming employed again!
Keeping my little blog going while computer-less!
What was the happiest moment of 2007?Friends from South Africa visiting.
What was your saddest moment of 2007?The death of my father at the end of April.
Being burgled end May.
What resolutions have you made for 2008?I’m increasing my posting average to 12 a month, with a consistency level of between 9 to 15 posts a month.
I will cycle to work.
I will work to continue the improving trend in my finances.
I will replace all the stolen equipment without increasing my levels of debt.
Which bad habit are you most motivated to break?No procrastination! See it, do it; blog it!
What are you looking forward to in 2008?Hoo. At the moment, the summer. Let’s hope it’s less wet than last year.