The London Gay Men's Chorus gave two free open air concerts in The Scoop yesterday evening, largely featuring songs about London. A stand out for me was the inclusion of Amy Winehouse’s Rehab in a fantastic medley of London songs; it just about brought the house down (7:20 in the video below).
The Scoop has surprisingly good acoustics - as the space is a kind of modern take on the classic ancient greek theatre format I suppose it should. So the space reverberated to manly voices very pleasantly. I was less enchanted by the section of the audience I was sitting amongst. It’s clearly unrealistic to expect concert hall standards of behaviour in an al fresco setting, but some people chatted quite loudly all the way through, amongst each other and even on mobile phones. To cap it all a girl behind me insisted on singing along to her favourite song, in a voice best suited to the privacy of her bathroom. Oh well I suppose it shows she was enjoying it.
The choir triumphed over all the distractions, and won a standing ovation at the end of their performance.
flyer for our next show is here: (sorry for the spam :))
and this is just 60 of us ... you should hear us at full strength, indoors, with around 140 on stage at Christmas!
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