A N Wilson, in the Evening Standard last friday:
“The gay rights activists who began to campaign in America and carried their good work to Europe a quarter of a century ago and more were men and women of enormous and innovative courage. They have transformed the outlook of civilised humanity from one of ‘tolerance’, as though there was something to tolerate, to a celebration of homosexuality as one version of being human. People used to think it was virtuous to cane children. They used to think it was all right to keep wild songbirds in cages or to send the poor to workhouses.
Brave people challenged these assumptions. Those who march in EuroPride celebrate a comparable liberation from a hell, where gay people were sent to prison. It ill becomes a Minister for Equality, whatever her religious views, to stay away.”
He was talking about the Labour Government's Minister for Equality, Ruth Kelly, who is apparently a member of Opus Dei.
I don't know whether she changed her mind or not, but the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, marched at the head of the parade on a gloriously sunny Saturday afternoon:

Behind Ken came the disabled paraders and then the Royal Navy's contingent, the first time the defence force has officially attended a pride parade in dress uniform:

As usual, there were plenty of happy people on jolly floats:

This gentleman gets full marks for fit body, imaginative costume, and pose:

Props to all the fabulous drag queens who walked the whole way in killer footwear and huge wigs (in the heat):

More and more fabulous people everywhere:

And this being London there were a few fabulous buses too:

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